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Emotional Regulation Program

Occupational Therapy

Our 'Emotional Regulation Program' focuses on understanding our bodies and regulating our emotions. Occupational therapists support children to improve their self-regulation skills through identifying body sensations, sensory likes, dislikes and triggers. Understanding, identifying and expressing emotions and teaching children a range of coping strategies to develop resilience and improve well-being.


Participating in the emotional regulation program will help your child better understand their bodies and emotions, improve their ability to manage feelings such as stress and anxiety, and develop crucial skills for self-regulation. They will engage in fun and engaging activities that build confidence in recognising and responding to their emotions.

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What is Emotional Regulation?

Emotional regulation is the essential skill of understanding, managing and expressing emotions. Emotional regulation skills support children to regulate their emotions, foster better self-control and improve well-being. 

Neurodivergent children have differences within their social, sensory, communication, executive functioning and emotional regulation abilities. They often struggle with self-regulation skills such as interpreting sensory information, managing emotions, body awareness, focusing attention, and controlling impulses.

Emotional dysregulation can look like:

  • Difficulty managing strong emotions like anger, frustration or anxiety.

  • Frequent meltdowns or emotional outbursts.

  • Struggling with transitions or unexpected changes.

  • Difficulty expressing feelings and needs effectively. 

  • Difficulty recognizing or labelling emotions.

  • Showing a heightened response to sensory input such as sounds, textures or smells. 

  • Being unaware of pain, fatigue, temperature hunger, thirst or fullness cues.

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OT Enquiries

If you're interested in finding out more about our Emotional Regulation Program, simply fill out the below form and one of our team will contact you within 1 business day.


Alternatively, call us on 1300 007 533 or send us an email at to discuss how we can help your family. 

Multi-disciplinary approach

At EISS, we have a team of multi-disciplinary Allied Health Professionals who recognise the significance of taking a comprehensive approach to a child's therapy.

That's why we offer families a range of early interventions such as speech pathology, occupational therapy, child psychology, and social skills therapy to provide children with the best possible care and support for their development.

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